October 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements New company setting that adds an “Add Note” icon to the CMPOnline menu bar that is always visible within all Case File screens, so that users can quickly add a “simple” activity note to a case file (must be enabled by a...

September 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements Added ability for system administrators to move all case files within one client to another (existing) client, under Administration > Setup > System Maintenance. New ability to store multiple plaintiffs at the client-level and added the...

August 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements Added logic that will automatically save an “image” of any documents that are generated via the Case File > Documents merge process or through Batch Documents. The image will be tied to the Activity record that indicates that the...

Strategic Techniques in Legal Debt Collection

Legal Debt Collection is a complex field, requiring an intricate understanding of both legal and financial principles. This blog post aims to provide comprehensive insights into this realm, demystifying various aspects such as types of collections, industry solutions,...

July 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements Added the ability to view the email addresses that will be used when Emailing Selected Bills, under Accounting > Billing > Open Bills (with the Enhanced Email Automation feature enabled). New ability to add automations, allowing reviews and...

June 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements Added the ability to set up Company-level “automations”, to automatically add activity notes, reviews, and/or hold codes to a Case File based on an action taken, such as uploading an image, adding an activity note, adding a review, a field being...

May 2023 Enhancement List

Featured Enhancements Added a dropdown of Payoff reports to include the normal “Payoff Report” and two additional reports, “Payoff Report with transaction detail”, and “Transaction Breakdown”, under Case File > Financial > Balance....