Featured Enhancements
Added a “Phone Note” field to all 5 phone numbers for the Opponent / Debtor,
under Case File > Opponents / Debtors, and Clients, under Contacts > Clients.
This provides the ability to add notes such as “Don’t call after 5 pm”, “Client in a different time zone”, etc.
Added a new PDF Viewer to the image view and document generation process
with the ability to edit and save the generated PDF back to the system,
under Case File > Imaging and Case File > Documents (must be enabled by a CMP administrator).
Please contact a CMP Representative for more information.
My Reviews
- Added the ability to set the “Current Filter” field to a “Custom Date” range on the My Reviews screen.
- New optional column for “Attachments” to the My Reviews grid to quickly view the images that are attached to a specific review.
- Added the Case Type as an optional column.
Case File
- Main:
- Re-worked the Payment History popup to include the “Transaction Date” column and to be more inline with other dialog popups that include a grid.
- Added a warning message when closing a case file with a Trust Balance (for firms where closure warnings do not have overrides), under the Case File > Main > Settings tab.
- Opponents / Debtors:
- New feature so that a Bank / Employer / Trustee contact’s information can be loaded as a new defendant or debtor on a case (must be enabled by a CMP administrator) in situations where this is common practice.
- Documents:
- Added the ability to set / save custom AutoCorrect entries in the DevExpress Word editor.
- Imaging:
- Added CSS coloring to “pinned” imaging rows.
- New ability to tie images in CMP to a specific account (must be configured by a CMP administrator).
- Financial:
- Added an additional “Are you sure?” prompt when attempting to delete transactions that have cleared, to prevent reconciliation issues, under Case File > Financial > Transactions.
- Problems:
- Updated the Conflict Checks functionality to discard non-alphanumeric characters when running comparisons across the system, resulting in more accurate matching and potential Conflict hits.
- Added logic to omit Accounts labeled as “(new account)” from appearing in the Conflict Check routine.
- Custom Reporting:
- New “Post-Stip Payments” field to the “CaseFile” fieldset in Custom Reporting.
- Added Opponent / Debtor “Alternate Addresses” as a Custom Reporting fieldset.
- New “Popup Message” to the “CaseFile” fieldset in Custom Reporting.
- Data Import > Transactions:
- Added Data Import feature to import transactional data on case files (such as balance adjustments, costs, and payments).
- New ability to rename a CMP remittance batch for easier identification, under Accounting > Remittance.
- Lookups > Case File > Case Types:
- Added logic to force the “Maximum Accounts” to 1 within the Case Type settings when the “Has Subrogation” or “Has Medical Lien” option is checked, to prevent errors on case files set to this Case Type.
- New ability to set the “Initial Review Person” (based on the Case Type) to the current user, default user, or the responsible attorney on the case file when it is opened.
- Security > Users:
- Updated the display of email addresses and 2FA phone numbers on the User Detail screen for better readability when multiple email addresses or phone numbers are present.
- Setup > Company:
- Added “TrustBalance” and “TrustBalanceWithColor” field options to appear in the Status Bar footer, under the Administration > Setup > Company > Advanced tab.
- New ability to set a Company Automation’s limiting factor to a specific set of Client Codes, under the Administration > Setup > Company > Automations tab.
- Added the ability to specify a billing entry’s amount within a Company Automation, under the Administration > Setup > Company > Automations tab.
- New front-end for Court Holiday Dates (which prevents users from assigning reviews on these dates), under the Administration > Setup > Company > Court Holidays tab.
- Setup > User Defined Field Labels:
- Added 10 additional User-Defined Fields at the Account-level, under Case File > Accounts.
- New ability to add “Currency” or “Percent” formatting to User Defined numeric Fields (at the File / Account / or Opponent levels), as well as convert User Defined text Fields to dropdown lists.
- Setup > Document Templates:
- New Merge Fields:
- OpponentAgentFullName
- OpponentAgentFullNameReverse
- OpponentAgentAddressBlock
- OpponentAgentAddressLine
- New Merge Fields:
- Re-worked the Dashboard screen in CMPOnline.
- Added record types 43 and 49 to the You’ve Got Claims export logic (if enabled by a CMP administrator).
- Updated the “Audit Log” icon used to the right of labels on fields with audit log tracking to be more visible at different browser zoom levels.
Did You Know?
CMPOnline has all kinds of hidden secrets! There are so many ways to customize CMPOnline for your company! The status bar at the bottom is a great way for each member of your firm to see the most important data on a file no matter what screen is visited. To change the Status Bar Template, visit Administration > Setup > Company and click on the “Advanced” tab. When customizing this area, you will need to know the field name you’d like to show. If unsure, visit any document template and search for what you need. For example: to show the client funds in your status bar, type {ClientFunds} as shown below. That’s it! Take it for a test drive and contact a CMPOnline representative with any questions.