Featured Enhancements
Added ability to import zipped images in batch, under Tools > Data Import > Imaging.
New “Deposit Warning” checkbox is now available within the Hold Codes setup. When checked,
the hold code popup message (if populated) will appear while entering a deposit for case files with that opponent
Hold Code, under Lookups > Opponent > Hold Codes.
Please contact a CMP Representative for more information.
Case File
- Main
- New popup feature for the Default User and Responsible Attorney fields to see email / phone numbers for these contacts, under Case File > Main.
- Added the Case File’s Default User and Responsible Attorney email addresses to the Phonebook popup (if enabled in company settings).
- Users now have the ability to send email via the Enhanced Email Automation popup (if enabled by a CMP administrator) when using the Phonebook popup if enabled in company settings.
- Documents
- Added ability to insert a textbox into a document sent out via DocuSign.
- Activity
- New “date picker” field is now available for the “Note Date” when adding or editing a Note.
- Financial > Billing
- Added the “Service Code” as a column in the Billing grids.
- New logic to save the “grid state” (visible columns) for each individual screen when the same grid is used with different datasets, such as with the Unbilled / Billed / Paid / Voided data.
- Financial > Transactions
- New “date picker” field is now available when editing a transaction.
- Contacts > Clients > Settings > Billing
- Added “Billing Email Address” and “Billing Phone Number” fields to the client billing settings screen.
- New invoice format of “Separate (with initials and 30 / 60 / 90 breakdown)” that includes a 30 / 60 / 90 breakdown at the bottom of the invoice.
- Custom Reporting
- Added the new custom reporting fieldset “Billing: Billed Breakdown” to include fields for 30 / 60 / 90 / etc. overdue invoice amounts.
- Data Import:
- Excel Placements
- New ability to set the opponent’s “Guarantor” field when importing placement spreadsheets.
- New “Referral Interest” and “Balance Adjustment, Miscellaneous Costs” as account-level fields that can be used in the Excel Placements import mappings.
- Potential Files
- Added the ability to set opponent’s “Guarantor” field when editing Potential Files.
- Excel Placements
- Billing > Print Bills
- New ability to “Lock All Billing” in CMPOnline to prevent all users (except for the current user) from adding, editing, deleting, printing, or finalizing bills.
- Billing > Open Bills
- New ability to send one or more “Open Bills” via email (if the Enhanced Email Automation is enabled) using a user-defined email template.
- Added a new column for the CMP case file number (if only 1 per invoice) to the billing “Statement” report
- Deposits > Enter Deposits
- Added logic to the Deposit posting process to display a progress bar during the post.
- Reports
- Added “Deposit Type” and “Client Code” (when “Include File Numbers?” is selected) grid columns to the Deposit Listing reports.
- Batch Programs > Open Files
- New ability to open a group of case files via a custom report.
- Lookups > Case File > Workflows
- Added the ability to configure multiple sub-steps in Workflows.
- Setup > Document Templates
- Additional document merge fields for the Garnishment Number and Sheriff Office information under both the “BankGarn*” and “WageGarn*” headings.
- New logic to search on the “File Note” field in the CMPFind.
- Added a “Reply-To” email header to emails sent from CMP using the Enhanced Email Automation (must be enabled by a CMP administrator) to assist some of the receiving email clients with responding to the correct email address.
- New logic to speed up the load time of Enhanced Email Automation email templates and SMS templates (both must be enabled by a CMP administrator).
- Added the Case File’s Default User and Responsible Attorney email addresses to the Enhanced Email Automation popup (if enabled by a CMP administrator).
- New ability to add billing from the CMP Outlook addin (must be enabled by a CMP administrator).