Featured Enhancements
New ability to automatically partial pay an invoice using an amount specified where the payment amount is applied
oldest first across the line items of the invoice, under Accounting > Billing > Open Bills > Enter Payment.
Users now have the ability to open a document merged in CMPOnline directly in Word via
an “Open in Word” button, under Case File > Documents.
Please contact a CMP Representative for more information.
My Reviews
- Added logic to remember the last selected user on the “My Reviews” screen for the entirety of the user’s session, under My Reviews.
Case File
- Main:
- New logic to display the Opposing Attorney’s phone number(s) vs. the Opponent / Debtor phone numbers in the debtor information box (if the Opponent / Debtor has an attorney).
- New Case File’s “Popup Message” as a field tracked via Audits allowing the user to view who last entered the message, under the Case File > Main > Settings tab.
- Added the ability to override the Client’s “Subtract Costs to Calc Fees” field on the case file-level, located on the Case File > Main > Settings tab.
- Litigation:
- Added feature to the Judge dropdown on the Litigation screen to load the data via AJAX with very large data sets to prevent slow page-load times.
- Subrogation:
- New “Insured Email Address” field for Subrogation case types, under the Case File > Subrogation > Insured tab.
- Opponents/Debtors:
- Added a company setting to override the “do not allow a future date” system-check for the Service Date field on the Case File > Opponents / Debtors > Litigation tab. The override setting is located on the Administration > Setup > Company > Advanced tab in the Opponent Settings area.
- Documents:
- Updated the document ASK prompt to use a “textarea” control vs normal input control to allow for multi-line inputs.
- New logic to the Account / Opponent Repeaters (during the document merge process) to better format the data that is being merged (to match the original document’s styling) and prevent extraneous brackets from appearing in certain circumstances.
- Financial:
- Updated the logic for deleting an unprinted check to speed up screen refresh, under Case File > Financial > Checks.
- Added bold dark blue coloring to hourly service codes in the Service Code dropdown list, under Case File > Financial > Billing > Add New Billing.
- New ability to set the “transfer date” on transfers between case files of the same client code, under Case File > Financial > Transactions.
- Added popup to prompt the user if they update the Transaction Type / Code on a transaction, and the new Transaction Type / Code is normally set to affect the debtor’s balance, but the original transaction type / code did not affect the balance, under Case File > Financial > Transactions.
- Custom Reporting:
- Added additional “Billing: All” custom reporting fields to query across all 3 fieldsets unbilled, billed, paid.
- New ability to use a “GETUSER()” function in custom reporting filters to pull the current user’s name when executing the report.
- Added logic to the “Show Sub-Totals” and “Show Grand Totals” features in Custom Reporting to include totals on non-currency numeric fields, like billing Time.
- Updated Custom Reporting reports to use the new CMP-style grid format with the ability to filter on an individual column.
- Added logic to speed up the load time by reducing AJAX calls when executing Custom Reports.
- New Fieldsets:
- Review History
- Client Contact
- Last Note (Non Closure)
- Last Note (Non Legal Status)
- New Fields (and their respective fieldset):
- Classification Code (Casefile)
- Misc Dropdown (Casefile)
- Performed By (Billing: Unbilled)
- Performed By (Billing: Billed)
- Performed By (Billing: Paid)
- Performed By – Full Name (Billing: Unbilled)
- Performed By – Full Name (Billing: Billed)
- Performed By – Full Name (Billing: Paid)
- Transaction Deposit Batch Type (Transactions, First Payment, Last Payment)
- Transaction Remit ID (Transactions)
- Note All Text (Notes)
- Last Note All Text (Last Note)
- New State dropdown / field is now available on the County Details screen for tracking similarly named counties across multiple states, under Contacts > Counties.
- Updated the ability to mark a “Bank”, “Employer”, or “Opposing Attorney” contact as “Inactive”, meaning that they will no longer appear in the appropriate dropdown lists. Note, once a contact is marked inactive, they will still appear on the debtor screens if they were previously selected prior to being marked inactive.
- Added four User Defined “text” fields to the Judge contact, under Contacts > Judges.
- New “Active / Inactive / All” toggle at the top of the grid when viewing “Banks”, “Employers”, “Opposing Attorneys”, and “Outside Counsels”.
- Enter Bills:
- Updated the “Service Code” dropdown to a Select2, moved the “Performed By” field from the last field to after the “Description”, and added the “Performed By” column to the “Recent Billing” grid.
- New ability to search by the Client Code and Performed By user.
- Print Bills:
- Added the ability to “lock” an invoice for proofing purposes before finalizing it, which keeps the invoice number and prevents edits to the billing entries (must be enabled by a CMP administrator).
- Locked Bills:
- New screen for viewing, reprinting, finalizing, and unlocking the “locked for proofing” invoices. Available only if the “Lock Billing Entries” is enabled.
- Open Bills:
- New “Service Date” column in the Line Items grid, as well as forced wrapping on the “Description” column, when entering Invoice Payments.
- Added logic to the LEDES billing export to include column headers in the output file and an updated file extension (from CSV to DAT).
- Checks > Print Checks:
- Updated the “Select” button on the Print Checks screen to be more prominent and adjusted the button wording.
- Increased the control size of the “Payee” / “Pay To” fields on all check reports to prevent wrapping.
- Lookups:
- Added the ability to set document expressions as “Account Expressions” so that they can be repeated within the “Account Repeater” functionality, under Administration > Lookups > Document > Document Expressions.
- New ability to mark a “Firm Bank Account”, “Review Code”, or “Service Type” lookup as “Inactive”, meaning that they will no longer appear in the corresponding dropdown lists. Note, once a code is marked inactive, they will still appear on the appropriate screens if they were previously selected prior to being marked inactive.
- Added an “Active / Inactive / All” toggle at the top of the grid when viewing “Firm Bank Accounts”, “Review Codes”, and “Service Types”.
- Setup > Company:
- New Re-record Judgment Warning User / # Days fields to notify a specific user that the Re-record Judgments batch program needs to be run (warning shown upon logging in).
- Ability to add “AllOpponentFullNames” (which concatenates all opponent / debtor names with a forward slash between each) as a field available for formatting the Status Bar area and the Enhanced Email Automation subject line located on the Administration > Setup > Company > Advanced tab.
- Document Templates:
- Added Company Setting to append the opponent / debtor’s default alias (if available) to all document merge fields that include the opponent / debtor’s full name (must be enabled by a CMP administrator).
- New Document Merge Fields:
- TotalAdjustmentsPrincipal
- TotalAdjustmentsInterest
- TotalAdjustmentsCosts
- TotalAdjustmentsFees
- TotalAdjustmentsMiscCosts
- JudgeUDFText1
- JudgeUDFText2
- JudgeUDFText3
- JudgeUDFText4
- System Maintenance:
- Added the ability to duplicate a system user’s user-level security settings to another user.
- New ability to reassign reviews from users to review groups, from review groups to users, and from review groups to review groups.
- User Defined Fields:
- Added the ability to label the new User Defined Fields for contacts (currently judges only).
- Miscellaneous:
- New CSS color / bolding to inactive items in dropdown lists both normal Selects and Select2s.